Step 13 - Bring it to Production

- Thomas Jungbauer Thomas Jungbauer ( Lastmod: 2024-05-08 ) - 7 min read

If you reached this article, congratulations! You read through tons of pages to build up a Pipeline. The last two steps in our Pipeline are: Creating a new branch and creating a pull request, with the changes of the image tag that must be approved and will be merged then (We will not update the main branch directly!). Finally, we will do a "real" update to the application to see the actual changes.


The goals of this step are:

  • Create a task that creates a new branch in Git repository.

  • Create a task that creates a pull request in Git repository.

  • Perform a full End2End run of the Pipeline and approve the pull request.

Create a token at GitHub

To create a pull request we need to authenticate against the Git api. For this, we will need a token. In GitHub open your personal settings (by clicking on your avatar) and then go to "Developer settings".

Select "Personal access tokens" and "fine-graining tokens" to create a new token.

GitHub Personal Access Token
Figure 1. GitHub Personal Access Token

Enter the required fields:

  • Name: Secure Supply Chain

  • Expiration: Whatever your like (max is 1 year)

  • Repository access: Only select repositories

  • Select your repository, for example: tjungbauer/securing-software-supply-chain

  • Permissions: "Pull requests" > Read and write

GitHub Personal Access Token Created
Figure 2. GitHub Personal Access Token Created

Save the created token and create the following secret:

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: github-token
  namespace: ci
  token: <Token Value> (1)
type: Opaque
1Clear-text token. If already base64 encoded, change stringData to data.

Task: Create a new branch

Since we do not update the main branch directly, we will create a new (feature) branch, that will be used for a pull request and can be deleted after the pull request has been merged.

  1. Create the following Task object

    This Task will use git commands to create a new feature-branch and pushes the changes into that branch.

    kind: Task
      name: new-branch-manifest-repo
      namespace: ci
      description: >-
        This task creates a branch for a PR to point to the image tag created with
        the short commit.
        - description: Used to tag the built image.
          name: image
          type: string
        - default: main
          description: Target branch to push to
          name: target-branch
          type: string
        - default: Tekton Pipeline
          description: Git user name for performing the push operation.
          name: git_user_name
          type: string
        - default:
          description: Git user email for performing the push operation.
          name: git_user_email
          type: string
        - description: File in which the image configuration is stored.
          name: configuration_file
          type: string
        - description: Repo in which the image configuration is stored.
          name: repository
          type: string
        - default: ''
          name: gitInit
          type: string
        - image: $(params.gitInit)
          name: git
          resources: {}
          script: >-
            # Setting up the git config.
            git config --global "$(params.git_user_email)"
            git config --global "$(params.git_user_name)"
            # Checkout target branch to avoid the detached HEAD state
            TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
            cd $TMPDIR
            git clone $(params.repository) (1)
            cd securing-software-supply-chain
            git checkout -b $( (2)
            # Set to the short commit value passed as parameter.
            # Notice the enclosing " to keep it as a string in the resulting YAML.
            sed -i "s#\(.*value:\s*\).*#\1 ${IMAGE}#" $(params.configuration_file)
            git add $(params.configuration_file) (3)
            git commit -m "Automatically updated manifest to point to image tag
            git push origin $(
    1Clone the main repository.
    2Create a new feature branch.
    3Add, commit, and push everything to the new branch.
  2. Modify the Pipeline object

    The Task must be added to the Pipeline, it provides several required parameters.

        - name: create-prod-manifest-branch
            - name: image
              value: '$(params.IMAGE_REPO):$(params.IMAGE_TAG)'
            - name: configuration_file
              value: $(params.MANIFEST_FILE_PROD)
            - name: repository
              value: $(params.MANIFEST_REPO)
            - name: git_user_name
              value: $(params.COMMIT_AUTHOR)
            - name: target-branch
              value: feature-for-$(params.COMMIT_SHA)
            - acs-deploy-check
            - verify-tlog-signature
            kind: Task
            name: new-branch-manifest-repo

Task: Create a Pull request

  1. Create the following Task object

    The following task will take the token and create a new pull request at GitHub:

    kind: Task
      name: git-open-pull-request
      namespace: ci
      description: >-
        This task will open a PR on Github based on several parameters. This could
        be useful in GitOps repositories for example.
        - default:
          description: |
            The GitHub host, adjust this if you run a GitHub enteprise or Gitea
          name: GITHUB_HOST_URL
          type: string
        - default: ''
          description: |
            The API path prefix, GitHub Enterprise has a prefix e.g. /api/v3
          name: API_PATH_PREFIX
          type: string
        - description: |
            The GitHub repository full name, e.g.: tektoncd/catalog
          name: REPO_FULL_NAME
          type: string
        - default: github
          description: >
            The name of the kubernetes secret that contains the GitHub token,
            default: github
          type: string
        - default: token
          description: >
            The key within the kubernetes secret that contains the GitHub token,
            default: token
          type: string
        - default: Bearer
          description: >
            The type of authentication to use. You could use the less secure "Basic"
            for example
          name: AUTH_TYPE
          type: string
        - description: |
            The name of the branch where your changes are implemented.
          name: HEAD
          type: string
        - description: |
            The name of the branch you want the changes pulled into.
          name: BASE
          type: string
        - description: |
            The body description of the pull request.
          name: BODY
          type: string
        - description: |
            The title of the pull request.
          name: TITLE
          type: string
        - default: ''
          name: ubi8PythonImage
          type: string
        - description: Number of the created pull request.
          name: NUMBER
          type: string
        - description: URL of the created pull request.
          name: URL
          type: string
        - env:
            - name: PULLREQUEST_NUMBER_PATH
              value: $(results.NUMBER.path)
            - name: PULLREQUEST_URL_PATH
              value: $(results.URL.path)
          image: $(params.ubi8PythonImage)
          name: open-pr
          resources: {}
          script: >-
            #!/usr/libexec/platform-python (1)
            """This script will open a PR on Github"""
            import json
            import os
            import sys
            import http.client
            github_token = (2)
            open_pr_url = "/repos/$(params.REPO_FULL_NAME)/pulls"
            data = { (3)
                "head": "$(params.HEAD)",
                "base": "$(params.BASE)",
                "title": """$(params.TITLE)""",
                "body": """$(params.BODY)"""
            print("Sending this data to GitHub: ")
            authHeader = "Bearer " + github_token
            giturl = "api."+"$(params.GITHUB_HOST_URL)"
            conn = http.client.HTTPSConnection(giturl)
                    "User-Agent": "OpenShift Pipelines",
                    "Authorization": authHeader.strip(),
                    "Accept": "application/vnd.github+json",
                    "Content-Type": "application/json",
                    "X-GitHub-Api-Version": "2022-11-28"
            resp = conn.getresponse()
            if not str(resp.status).startswith("2"):
                print("Error: %d" % (resp.status))
                body = json.loads(
                open(os.environ.get('PULLREQUEST_NUMBER_PATH'), 'w').write(f'{body["number"]}')
                open(os.environ.get('PULLREQUEST_URL_PATH'), 'w').write(body["html_url"])
                print("GitHub pull request created for $(params.REPO_FULL_NAME): "
                      f'number={body["number"]} url={body["html_url"]}')
            - mountPath: /etc/github-open-pr
              name: githubtoken
              readOnly: true
        - name: githubtoken
            secretName: $(params.GITHUB_TOKEN_SECRET_NAME)
    1Python script to create the pull request.
    2The token from the secret object.
    3The data we will send to GitHub.
  2. Modify the Pipeline object

        - name: issue-prod-pull-request
            - name: GITHUB_HOST_URL
              value: $(params.REPO_HOST)
            - name: GITHUB_TOKEN_SECRET_NAME
              value: github-token
            - name: REPO_FULL_NAME
              value: $(params.MANIFEST_REPO_NAME)
            - name: HEAD
              value: feature-for-$(params.COMMIT_SHA)
            - name: BASE
              value: main
            - name: BODY
              value: Update prod image for $(params.COMMIT_MESSAGE)
            - name: TITLE
              value: 'Production update: $(params.COMMIT_MESSAGE)'
            - create-prod-manifest-branch
            kind: Task
            name: git-open-pull-request

Review the whole Pipeline

We did it, we created a Secure Supply Chain using Tekton Tasks. The full Pipeline now looks like this:

Pipeline Details
Figure 3. Pipeline Details

The last step will create a pull request on Git. When this request is approved and merged, the update will finally happen in the production environment. This is a manual process to have control what comes in production and what does not.

Execute full Pipeline E2E

It is time to execute the whole pipeline now end to end. We will do a real update to the application now, so we can see the differences.

As described in step 10, the DEV and PROD environments are running on the same cluster. In the field, this will probably not happen, but for now, it is good enough. GitOps/Argo CD monitors any changes and automatically updates whenever the Git repository (Kubernetes Manifests) is changed. During the PipelineRun we will update the image tag for DEV, which automatically rolls out and create a Pull request which is waiting for approval and will roll out the changes onto production.

Both environments have a route to access the application. At the moment both will look the same:

Globex DEV origin
Figure 4. Globex DEV origin

Update application

The repository of Globex UI is forked at: We used it throughout this journey to update the file. The readme file does not really change anything. So, let’s update the UI itself.

look for the file src/index.html and add the following line before </body>

<center><strong>My very important update</strong></center>

Save this change and push it to GitHub. This will trigger the Pipeline which is running quite long. However, once it is finished, the DEV environment should now show the new line in the UI.

After the pipeline updated the image tag in Git, the GitOps process must fetch this change. This may take a while. You can speed this up by refreshing the "Application" inside the Argo CD interface. It should then automatically synchronize.

The update can now be seen in the browser. The "important update" is visible at the bottom of the page.

Globex DEV updated
Figure 5. Globex DEV updated

The production environment was not yet updated. Instead, a pull request has been created:

Open pull request
Figure 6. Open pull request

This request can be reviewed and merged. As you can see there was only one change in the files:

Open pull request - changed files
Figure 7. Open pull request - changed files

Merge the pull request and wait until Argo CD fetched the changes and updates the production environment. This is it, the changes are done and promoted to production:

Globex PROD updated
Figure 8. Globex PROD updated


This concludes this journey to a Secure Supply Chain using Tekton (OpenShift Pipelines). Is this the best must-have you need to do? No, it is an example, a demonstration. Feel free to use and modify it. You can also use other tools for the tasks or the pipeline as such. It does not matter if you use Tekton, Jenkins, Gitlab Runner etc. What is important is that you secure your whole supply chain as much as possible. Any image you create should be signed to ensure that the source can be trusted. Every source code should be verified against best practices and all images should be scanned for vulnerabilities and policy violations during the build AND the deployment process.