Step 8 - Updating Kubernetes Manifests

- Thomas Jungbauer Thomas Jungbauer ( Lastmod: 2024-05-08 ) - 4 min read

With the finalization of the build process and the security checks during this phase, it is now time to update the Kubernetes manifests and provide the new tag for the created image. I have forked (and cleaned up) another repository that will store all yaml specifications that are required for OpenShift. You can find this repository at: Kubernetes Manifests


The goals of this step are:

  • Update the manifest in Git with the new image tag

Preparing the Pipeline

  1. Let’s create the Task object that will take care of the update.

    The Task will use git commands to update the manifests accordingly.

    kind: Task
      name: update-manifest
      namespace: ci
      description: >-
        This task updates the manifest for the current application to point to the
        image tag created with the short commit.
      params: (1)
        - description: Used to tag the built image.
          name: image
          type: string
        - default: main
          description: Target branch to push to
          name: target-branch
          type: string
        - default: Tekton Pipeline
          description: Git user name for performing the push operation.
          name: git_user_name
          type: string
        - default:
          description: Git user email for performing the push operation.
          name: git_user_email
          type: string
        - description: File in which the image configuration is stored.
          name: configuration_file
          type: string
        - description: Repo in which the image configuration is stored.
          name: repository
          type: string
        - default: ''
          name: gitInit
          type: string
        - name: verbose
          description: Verbose output
          type: string
          default: "true"
      steps: (2)
        - image: $(params.gitInit)
          name: git
            - name: PARAM_VERBOSE
              value: $(params.verbose)
          resources: {}
          script: >
            #!/usr/bin/env sh
            set -eu
            if [ "${PARAM_VERBOSE}" = "true" ] ; then
              set -x
            # Setting up the git config.
            git config --global "$(params.git_user_email)"
            git config --global "$(params.git_user_name)"
            # Checkout target branch to avoid the detached HEAD state
            TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d)
            cd $TMPDIR
            git clone $(params.repository)
            cd securing-software-supply-chain
            git checkout $(
            # Set to the short commit value passed as parameter.
            # Notice the enclosing " to keep it as a string in the resulting YAML.
            sed -i "s#\(.*value:\s*\).*#\1 ${IMAGE}#" $(params.configuration_file)
            git add $(params.configuration_file)
            git commit -m "Automatically updated manifest to point to image tag
            git push origin $(
    1Required default parameters.
    2Script to clone and push the update to Git.
  2. To the Pipeline we have to add the following section

      params: (1)
        - name: MANIFEST_FILE
          type: string
        - name: MANIFEST_FILE_PROD
          type: string
        - name: MANIFEST_REPO
          type: string
        - name: MANIFEST_REPO_NAME
          type: string
        - name: MANIFEST_GIT_REF
          type: string
        - name: update-dev-manifest
            - name: image
              value: '$(params.IMAGE_REPO):$(params.IMAGE_TAG)'
            - name: configuration_file
              value: $(params.MANIFEST_FILE)
            - name: repository
              value: $(params.MANIFEST_REPO)
            - name: git_user_name
              value: $(params.COMMIT_AUTHOR)
          runAfter: (2)
            - acs-image-check
            - acs-image-scan
            - generate-sbom
            kind: Task
            name: update-manifest
    1Parameters that define the settings for the manifest repository
    2This time we are running after these three tasks
  3. Update the TriggerBinding globex-ui

        - name: manifestRepo
          value: (1)
        - name: manifestRepoRef
          value: main
        - name: manifestFile (2)
          value: application/globex/overlays/dev/kustomization.yaml
        - name: manifestFileProd (3)
          value: application/globex/overlays/prod/kustomization.yaml
        - name: manifestRepoName
          value: tjungbauer/securing-software-supply-chain
    1The SSH url to GitHub
    2The overlay that will be used for the DEV environment
    3The overlay that will be used for the PROD environment
  4. Update the TriggerTemplate and add:

        - description: The file to update to point to newly built image
          name: manifestFile
        - description: The file to update to point to newly built image in prod
          name: manifestFileProd
        - description: The repo to update to point to newly built image
          name: manifestRepo
        - description: The reference to the repo
          name: manifestRepoRef
        - description: The full name of the repo
          name: manifestRepoName
              - name: MANIFEST_FILE
                value: $(tt.params.manifestFile)
              - name: MANIFEST_FILE_PROD
                value: $(tt.params.manifestFileProd)
              - name: MANIFEST_REPO
                value: $(tt.params.manifestRepo)
              - name: MANIFEST_GIT_REF
                value: $(tt.params.manifestRepoRef)
              - name: MANIFEST_REPO_NAME
                value: $(tt.params.manifestRepoName)

Git SSH Key

To be able to do changes in Git, which is using SSH keys to authenticate, we need to specify a Secret that knows the SSH private key and Github’s host keys.

Be sure that to create an SSH key (for example using ssh-keygen) and that GitHub knows about this key. You can add your key at "Account > Settings > SSH and GPG keys".

Run the following command to get the host keys of GitHub:

ssh-keyscan -H

# SSH-2.0-babeld-c89ab1f3
# SSH-2.0-babeld-c89ab1f3
|1|cr4dkqIl2SnZqktvRsFnx1lA5Ag=|eie8EHXqQHgCZJq7F/TtRRZcBbc= ssh-rsa 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
# SSH-2.0-babeld-c89ab1f3
|1|r6z4yeEV9Cog/2I4stZp1A34BAE=|EU8VcdD+KHMJJt9uPL4jh5zK0fI= ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEmKSENjQEezOmxkZMy7opKgwFB9nkt5YRrYMjNuG5N87uRgg6CLrbo5wAdT/y6v0mKV0U2w0WZ2YB/++Tpockg=
# SSH-2.0-babeld-c89ab1f3
|1|hVnTyBzb/gSR8jpz+NUziUkHy1A=|ENMDVCVsLfz2CWLa1C+BnzZI8Yg= ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIOMqqnkVzrm0SdG6UOoqKLsabgH5C9okWi0dh2l9GKJl
# SSH-2.0-babeld-c89ab1f3

Finally, we need to create a Secret with the following content:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  annotations: (1)
  name: git-ssh-key
  namespace: ci
  ssh-privatekey: <BASE64 PRIVAT SSH KEY > (2)
  known_hosts: < BASE64 of Githubs hostkey> (3)
1This annotation defines for which host Tekton will inject the Secret.
2A base64 decoded string of your PRIVATE ssh key.
3A base64 decoded string of the host keys

Update the pipeline ServiceAccount and add the new Secret:

  - name: git-ssh-key

Execute the Pipeline

Time to trigger the Pipeline, which now looks like:

Pipeline Details
Figure 1. Pipeline Details

The new Task will automatically push the new image tag to the Kubernetes manifests Git repository. From there it can later be used to roll out the new version.

In Git you can track the changes:

Git Commit
Figure 2. Git Commit


We have now updated the Kubernetes manifests with the new image tag. In the next steps, we will verify these manifests (linting) and then try to deploy the new image on the DEV environment.