Step 2 - Pipelines

- Thomas Jungbauer Thomas Jungbauer ( Lastmod: 2024-05-08 ) - 2 min read

We will now create the Pipeline and try to trigger it for the first time to verify if our Webhook works as intended.


The goals of this step are:

  • Create the Pipeline with a first task

  • Update the Github repository, to verify if the Webhook works

  • Verify if the PipelineRun is successful

Create the Pipeline

  1. The Pipeline object is responsible to define the Tasks (steps) that should be executed. Whenever a Pipeline is started a PipelineRun is created that performs each defined Task in the defined order and logs the output. Tasks can run subsequently or in parallel.

    Currently, the Pipeline has one task pull-source-code which is defined as a ClusterTask "git-clone". The purpose is to simply pull the source code to the workspace "shared-data".

    kind: Pipeline
      name: secure-supply-chain (1)
      namespace: ci
      params: (2)
        - name: REPO_HOST
          type: string
        - name: COMMIT_SHA
          type: string
        - name: TLSVERIFY
          type: string
        - name: BUILD_EXTRA_ARGS
          type: string
        - name: IMAGE_REPO
          type: string
        - name: IMAGE_TAG
          type: string
        - name: GIT_REF
          type: string
        - name: COMMIT_DATE
          type: string
        - name: COMMIT_AUTHOR
          type: string
        - name: COMMIT_MESSAGE
          type: string
        - name: GIT_REPO
          type: string
      tasks: (3)
        - name: pull-source-code (4)
            - name: url (5)
              value: $(params.GIT_REPO)
            - name: revision
              value: $(params.GIT_REF)
            - name: deleteExisting
              value: 'true'
          taskRef: (6)
            kind: ClusterTask
            name: git-clone
          workspaces: (7)
            - name: output
              workspace: shared-data
      workspaces: (8)
      - name: shared-data
    1Name of the Pipeline as referenced in the TriggerTemplate.
    2List of Parameters, hopefully, injected by the EventListener.
    3List of Tasks that will be executed.
    4Name of the Task.
    5Parameters used in this Task.
    6The Reference to the task. Here a ClusterTask named "git-clone" is used.
    7Workspace that shall be used in this Task.
    8Workspaces available in this Pipeline.

    The initial Pipeline will now look like the following (Go to: Pipelines > Pipelines > secure-supply-chain)

Initial Pipeline
Figure 1. Initial Pipeline

Our first Run

Now it is time to update something in our Git Repository and verify if everything can be executed successfully.

To update, it is enough to simply add a space in the file and push it to Git.

If the Webhook works as expected, Git will notify our EventListener, which will then trigger the Pipeline. A PipelineRun is created, that executes all Tasks that are defined in the Pipeline (currently just 1)

You can monitor the progress of the PipelineRun:

Figure 2. PipelineRun Overview

On the Details-page you can see which step is currently executed:

PipelineRun Details
Figure 3. PipelineRun Details

Eventually, the PipelineRun finishes successfully.

PipelineRun Finished
Figure 4. PipelineRun Finished

You can analyze the Logs in case of an Error or to get more details of a certain Task:

Task Logs
Figure 5. Task Logs


We have now created our first Pipeline and tested the GitHub Webhook. Whenever we push changes to the code, Git will notify the EventListener which will trigger the Pipeline with all required Parameters.

A PipelineRun is generated and is executing the defined Tasks. Currently, not much is done, expect cloning the Git repository.

In the next steps, we will evolve our Pipeline to perform security checks and sign our image.