
Welcome to Yet Another Useless Blog

Well we hope the articles here are not totally useless :)

Who are we, you might ask. We (Thomas Jungbauer and Toni Schmidbauer) are two old IT guys, working in the business since more than 20 years. At the moment we are architects at Red Hat Austria, mainly responsible helping customers with OpenShift or Ansible architectures.

The articles in this blog shall help to easily test and understand specific issues so they can be reproduced and tested. We simply wrote down what we saw in the field and of what we thought it might be helpful, so no frustrating searches in documentations or manual testing is required.

If you have any question, please feel free to send us an e-mail or create a GitHub issue

Recent Posts

Step 8 - Updating Kubernetes Manifests

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Step 9 - Linting Kubernetes Manifests

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Step 10 - The Example Application

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Step 12 - Verify TLog Signature

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Step 13 - Bring it to Production

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Operator installation with Argo CD

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SSL Certificate Management for OpenShift on AWS

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