How to force a MachineConfig rollout

- Toni Schmidbauer Toni Schmidbauer ( Lastmod: 2024-05-05 ) - 1 min read

While playing around with Falco (worth another post) I had to force a MachineConfig update even so the actual configuration of the machine did not change.

This posts documents the steps taken.

As this seems to be not clearly documented here it comes

  1. Get the list of current MachineConfigs

    $ oc get mc
    NAME                                               GENERATEDBYCONTROLLER                      IGNITIONVERSION   AGE
    00-master                                          7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    00-worker                                          7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    01-master-container-runtime                        7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    01-master-kubelet                                  7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    01-worker-container-runtime                        7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    01-worker-kubelet                                  7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    99-kernel-devel-extensions                                                                                      25h
    99-master-generated-registries                     7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    99-master-ssh                                                                                 3.2.0             8d
    99-worker-generated-registries                     7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    99-worker-ssh                                                                                 3.2.0             8d
    rendered-master-b8a2011b0b09e36088acf47e225b0ed2   7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             5h49m
    rendered-master-ce464ff45cc049fce3e8a63e36a4ee9e   7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d
    rendered-worker-5baefb5bb7ad1d69cd7a0c3dc52ef2f3   7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             25h
    rendered-worker-a0f8f0d915ef01ba4a1ab3047b6c863d   7101fb0720d05771bdc174af918b64deb4efa604   3.2.0             8d

    We want to force the rollout of a worker node, so remember the name of an old worker config, in our case rendered-worker-5baefb5bb7ad1d69cd7a0c3dc52ef2f3

  2. Currently the desiredConfig and the currentConfig should have the same value

    $oc get node node1 -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.machineconfiguration\.openshift\.io/desiredConfig}{"\n"}'
    $ oc get node node1 -o jsonpath='{.metadata.annotations.machineconfiguration\.openshift\.io/currentConfig}{"\n"}'
  3. Touch a file called 4 touch /run/machine-config-daemon-force

    oc debug node/node1 --  touch /host/run/machine-config-daemon-force
  4. patch the node and set the annotation to the old rendered config rendered-worker-5baefb5bb7ad1d69cd7a0c3dc52ef2f3

    oc patch node --patch '{ "metadata": { "annotations": { "": "rendered-worker-5baefb5bb7ad1d69cd7a0c3dc52ef2f3" } } }'
  5. Watch the MachineConfigPool

    $ oc get mcp

Wait for the config rollout to complete.