Setting up Falco on OpenShift 4.12
Falco is a security tool to monitor kernel events like system calls to provide real-time alerts. In this post I'll document the steps taken to get Open Source Falco running on an OpenShift 4.12 cluster.
UPDATE: Use the falco-driver-loader-legacy
image for OpenShift 4.12 deployments.
How to force a MachineConfig rollout
While playing around with Falco (worth another post) I had to force a MachineConfig update even so the actual configuration of the machine did not change.
This posts documents the steps taken.
Introduction to a Secure Supply Chain
The goal of the following ("short") series is to build a secure CI/CD pipeline step by step using OpenShift Pipelines (based on Tekton). The whole build process shall pull and build an image, upload it to a development environment and subsequently update the production environment.
The main focus here is security. Several steps and tools shall help to build and deploy a Secure Supply Chain.
The whole process is part of a Red Hat workshop which can present to your organization. I did some tweaks and created a step-by-step plan in order to remember it … since I am getting old :)
Step 1 - Listen to Events
In this first step, we will simply prepare our environment to be able to retrieve calls from Git. In Git we will fork a prepared source code into a repository and any time a developer pushes a new code into our repository a webhook will notify OpenShift Pipelines to start the pipeline. Like most pipelines, the first task to be executed is to fetch the source code so it can be used for the next steps. The application I am going to use is called globex-ui and is an example webUI build with Angular.
Step 2 - Pipelines
We will now create the Pipeline and try to trigger it for the first time to verify if our Webhook works as intended.
Step 3 - SonarQube
After the Pipeline has been created and tested we will add another Task to verify the source code and check for possible security issues, leveraging the tool SonarQube by Sonar.
Step 4 - Verify Git Commit
Besides checking the source code quality, we should also verify if the commit into Git was done by someone/something we trust. It is a good practice to sign all commits to Git. You need to prepare your Git account and create trusted certificates.
Step 5 - Build and Sign Image
Finally, after pulling and checking the code, we are going to create the image. During this process the image will be signed and uploaded to the public registry
Copyright © 2020 - 2025 Toni Schmidbauer & Thomas Jungbauer