Summary: Ansible
Ansible Style Guide
You should always follow the Best Practices and Ansible Lint rules defined by the Ansible documentation when developing playbooks.
Although very basic, the Best Practices document gives a few guidelines to be able to carry out well-structured playbooks and roles, it contains recommendations that evolve with the project, so it is recommended to review it regularly. It is advisable to review the organization of content in Ansible.
The Ansible Lint documentation shows us through this tool the syntax rules that will be checked in the testing of roles and playbooks, the rules that will be checked are indicated in this document in their respective section.
Automation Controller and LDAP Authentication
The following article shall quickly, without huge background information, deploy an Identity Management Server (based on FreeIPA) and connect this IDM to an existing Automation Controller so authentication can be tested and verified based on LDAP.
Ansible Tower and downloading collections
Every wondered why Ansible Tower does not start downloading required collections when you synchronize a project? Here are the stumbling blocks we discovered so far:
Ansible - Azure Resource Manager Example
Using Ansible Resource Manager with an ARM template and a simple Ansible playbook to deploy a Virtual Machine with Disk, virtual network, public IP and so on.
DO410 Ansible and Ansible Tower training notes
Notes taken during Red Hat course D410 Ansible and Ansible Tower.
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